EUROFRONT is a delegated cooperation programme between the European Union and Latin America that contributes to security, the improvement of respect for and protection of human rights and social and economic development at a national and regional level by strengthening the effectiveness in the management of four pilot borders involving seven countries and supporting the fight against human trafficking and migrant smuggling.
Lines of action
Funded by the European Commission, the Programme offers a space for peer learning, the identification of good practices and the exchange of experiences and models between both regions, promoting alliances with actors at local, national and regional levels and facilitating the creation of networks of trust and learning together through two main axes:
Areas of action
In order to achieve a balance between mobility and security and through the different tools available for exchanging good practices, the Programme carries out its activities at four pilot border crossings which, in turn, involve seven Latin American countries, adapting to the particular contexts of each partner country and addressing common challenges from a bi-national and regional perspective.
The borders and countries associated with the Programme are:
- The Rumichaca border (between Colombia and Ecuador).
- The Desaguadero border (between Peru and Bolivia).
- The Triple Frontier region between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.
- Aguas Blancas-Bermejo border (between Argentina and Bolivia)..
Main aims
The general aim of the EUROFRONT programme is to contribute to the safety and enhancement of, respect for and protection of human rights and economic and social development at a national and regional level in Latin America by making border management more effective at four significant border posts and supporting the fight against human trafficking and migrant smuggling.
To strengthen the effectiveness of the management of the Programme’s four pilot borders, taking the best international experiences and practices in Integrated Border Management and adapting them to the specific needs of each country and border crossing.
To strengthen the fight against human trafficking and migrant smuggling at a national and regional level in the member countries of the programme and the four pilot borders: Triple Frontier, Rumichaca, Desaguadero and Bermejo-Aguas Blancas.
EUROFRONT is a consortium comprising three entities linked to international cooperation for democratic governance and institutional strengthening, to the justice, security and cross-border affairs sectors and to migration management, together with the European Commission, an entity of the European Union that finances the Programme.
- FIIAPP (the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies)
- IILA (the International Italian-Latin American Organization)
- IOM(International Organization for Migration)
List of institutions taking part in the programme:
- España: Policia Nacional, Guardia Civil
- Italia: Policía del Estado, Arma de Carabineros, Guardia de Finanzas
- Portugal: Fuerzas y servicios de seguridad
- Polonia: Guardia de Fronteras
- Lituania: Servicio Estatal de Control Fronterizo
- FRONTEX - Agencia Europea de la Guardia de Fronteras y Costas